When paying out of pocket, you will simply pay for therapy at the time of service.
Function First Therapy, LLC will reach out to your insurance company to determine covered services prior to your initial visit. If occupational therapy, physical therapy and/or speech therapy treatment is part of your in-network policy we will notify you about your coverage and if you choose to move forward with therapy treatment, we will file a claim with your insurance company following provided services. If your insurance company pays your claim at the appraised rate, the only services that you will be responsible for paying are any non-covered services, co-pays or deductibles.
- Maine Care
- Medicare
- Aetna
- Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Optum
- United Healthcare
- Cigna
- Harvard Pilgrim
- Workers Compensation
- Community Health Options
- Martin's Point
- WellCare Health Plans
- Tri-Care
- Humana
Many insurance companies will still pay for out-of-network therapy services. If this seems like the right payment option for you or your family member, it's simple, payment from the client will be collected at the time of the provided service. Once the invoice has been paid to Function First Therapy, LLC, we will then provide you with a receipt called a SuperBill. You or a family member can then submit the SuperBill to your insurance company and your insurance company will repay you for some (or all) of the cost of therapy, depending on your plan. If you are using out-of-network insurance, be sure to check with your company before beginning therapy to verify your coverage.
- Check
- Cash
- Visa
- Mastercard
- American Express
- Health Reimbursement Arrangement Plans (HRA)
- Health Savings Account Plans (HSA)
Function First Therapy, LLC
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